Mace Perlman – Ringmaster

Mace Perlman is a classically- trained mime and actor, who studied and performed under Marcel Marceau in Paris, and later under Giorgio Strehler at his Piccolo Teatro in Milan. The recipient of Stanford University’s Robert M. Golden Award for combining excellence in performance with scholarship, Mace specializes in the relation between the practice of commedia dell’arte and the playing of the great texts of the English, French, and Italian repertoire. Mace has translated, directed, and acted in the works of Shakespeare, Molière, Marivaux, and Goldoni, among others; and he has taught masterclasses in acting using the commedia masks of Renzo Antonello in more than twenty-five American conservatories and universities, as well as in Germany and Italy. He is currently working to create an Academy of Renaissance Theatre — a professional company of players together with a school of theatre, language, and Renaissance culture.